Why I Sold My Two Babies To Traffickers

The dark complexioned lady, Emem Godwin Etukudo,who is already cooling her feet in the police cell said that it was poverty that drove her into the illicit trade of giving birth and selling her babies.

According to her, after having her children, she had no money to cater for them, hence the option of selling them out, believing that those who have the money to buy them will be able to take care of them while she uses the proceeds for her up keep.

“I have nobody to help me and I am jobless, I don’t always want the children to suffer in my hands and the only option I believe is to give them to those who are looking for children and can take care of them,” she said.

Are this reasons good enough for her to sell her babies she carried inside her womb for nine months....Some women can be so wicked and foolish..

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