You may already know that you must do certain things in order to get your man to commit. But are you also aware of these 5 things you must NEVER do if you want your man to propose?
Many women don’t which is unfortunately why they are still waiting for their boyfriends to ask them to marry them.
If you fall into that category, let’s cover those items so that you can get one step closer to the alter with the man you love.
Never try to control him
No man likes being controlled. Yet, so many women make that attempt to do so. They do this by telling him what to wear, harassing him about hanging out with his friends, or even tell him how he should act or behave with other people. That is a big turn off for men. If you want your man to propose to you and you’re acting like this, his first thoughts will be something like, “We aren’t even married yet and she’s already telling me what to do and trying to run my life. What’s it going to be like if we did get married?” I can assure you, if his girlfriend is controlling he’s not seeing marriage with her as a journey he wants to make.
Never push the issue of marriage
When it comes getting a guy to commit to you, you can be assured he wants it to be based on his decision without being forced into it. Doing things like constantly looking at wedding rings, or saying things as simple as don’t you want to get married will rapidly take your relationship from a relaxed and easy going “all systems go” to a tense and stressful, “red hot STOP” or at least a cooling yellow where he is starting to pull away. Avoid the constant harping or barrage of questions about proposing or marriage if you truly do want a ring on your finger.
Never forget he is a person…a man
Just like women, men want to be respected and appreciated. And while they are different than women in a great many ways regarding how they think and feel, men and women share the same fundamental values. They want to be listened to. (You don’t need to provide solutions, just attentiveness.) They want to know you truly care about them and not just about how much money they make, who they know, or what they can do for you.
Never count on the advice in magazines to give the definitive answers about getting your man to commit to you
There is always one thing to remember when it comes to magazines and their headlines…they are trying to sell the magazine! So while all the information you read in the tabloids isn’t necessarily bad, if the article is telling you that keeping your man happy in the bedroom will get him to commit, they’re only leading you down the path that will put money in their pockets as a result of buying their magazine.
Never get so caught up in him and your relationship, that you lose sight of yourself
The independence and self-confidence you had when he first met you and you were single was one of the traits that drew him to you in the first place. Yet for many women, once they enter into the relationship it’s almost as if they lose themselves and no longer carry themselves with such confidence and individuality. While it is important to find some middle ground, maintaining your own identity while being in a relationship is extremely important to him…as it should be to you as well.