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take a vacation |
Get a Haircut
Have you let it grow on you? Having a head full of lustrous hair is a turn-on any day, yet if you have never cut your hair you are probably covering up more than your scalp: a fear of change.
It’s important to have your personal style, but sporting the same hairstyle for more than three years means you are stuck in a rut and it might be indicative of a bigger problem: you are in a comfort zone. Getting a haircut frees you to be more radical and progressive in your actions.
Learn to swim Read a Book (or three)
You probably have bought all the popular books from the airport or the highway and you actually read the first chapter before moving on to the next one. The most obvious feature of our lives today is our very very short attention span with so much entertainment fighting for our overstretched attention. It takes real effort to actually read-and digest- a real book. Take note: the management book your boss keeps raging about does not count.
Get some History
You probably know your village and Local Government, at best, but what else do you know about yourself? Set time out to visit a senior member of the family. Ask questions about your ancestors. Collect and keep old items that are available. Find out the meaning of your last name and tell everyone you meet the meaning
Do Charity work
Note: this does not include your church offering or the hundred bucks you surreptitiously passed to the beggar that won’t stop looming around your window at the red light. Look for something you have passion for (women, children, sickle cell, street kids, hiv/aids, handicapped, etc) and not only should you commit cash to it and put your money where your mouth is, as the saying goes, but you should also commit time. Remember, giving is not giving unless it costs.
The two weeks in London or Dubai roaming the high streets and messing up your credit card does not count. Not only are you exhausted afterwards, you owe so much you need to get to work so you can do it all over again next year.
*Take a vacation
The trick to a real vacation is going to a new place and doing a new activity, preferably meeting new friends. Don’t know where to go? Put a map of the world before you, close your eyes and stab your pen at some point. Better still, take a road trip to another part of the country you have never been in before. Do your research- there are many beautiful spots everywhere.
Learn another Nigerian- or any- language
You can speak pidgin, but that does not count as another language. Determine to pick up a foreign or local language to the point where you can make conversation in it. Practice as often as you can in writing, reading and speech and have fun doing so.
Throw a Party
You are a specialist at sniffing out another person’s party and having a ball at their expense but if you have never hosted a party yourself this year is the one in which to do it. Choose a special date, give it 3 months and work towards it. You have no apologies to make to anyone; you have a right to celebrate life.
Do politics
You obviously don’t have to be a card carrying member of any political party, although that will be nice. Look critically at each of the political parties in terms of ideology and choose the one whose ideology most applies to you. Criticize them or support them whichever is required. Do not ever be politically indifferent again after 2013
Take a Picture
Taking a picture is no big deal anymore in this narcissistic digital age. If you have not taken your pictures by yourself, you can be sure someone else will; but when was the last time you actually went to a studio, got dressed, did some professional make up work and get a portrait taken? Find time one of these weekends to embark on this fun, confidence-boosting exercise.
Learn Taekwando
The beauty of martial arts is that it can be learnt at any age and it’s one of the easiest and best form of exercise for general fitness and strength. Find realistic times during the week and weekends to take one hour of instruction three times a week. If it can’t work out outside the home, get a video cd to use at home.
All your life you have been told taking a good nap is equal to being lazy yet study after scientific study shows getting enough rest/sleep positively affects every aspect of your life including your productivity levels and sex life. Get your six straight hours a day, and inculcate siestas into your crazy schedule, if you can.
Make a friend
Old friends are the best, we know, but you might be missing out on some of life’s best people if the last time you made a friend was in uni or on facebook, your social life is probably experiencing a lull.
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