Racist dog owner claimed Rottweiler bit Nigerian nurse because it ‘doesn’t like black people’

A Nigerian nurse was bitten by a dog and was almost attached with a machete by the dog’s owner, Nollywoodgossip has learned. 

Nurse Patrick Ogunobo, 57, was bitten by the unleashed Rottweiler near his Openshaw home. When he told the dog’s owner, Wolf Carter, that the dog should be on a lead, the owner screamed racist abuse before pulling the machete from his backpack and lunging at him. 

 Mr Ogunobo bravely stood his ground, grabbing Carter’s wrist and wrestling the blade from him. 

 Police arrested Carter, who claimed his dog did not like black people because a previous owner, a black man, had mistreated the animal. But Manchester Crown Court heard the 41-year-old loner’s police interview was peppered with racist rants, described as ‘worrying’ and ‘bizarre’ by the judge. 

 Carter will now spend 18-months behind bars after he was found guilty of possessing an offensive weapon in a trial earlier this year. Mr Ogunobo later said how he had acted instinctively when confronted with the blade. 

 He said: “I asked him [Carter], could he put the dog on a lead. “He said: ‘Shut up you ******** African, do you want me to show you what I have got?’ “He had a bag on his back and then opened it and pulled out a machete and came to attack me. “I said to myself I wasn’t going to run – I’m going to stand up to him.

“I have lived in Britain for almost 30 years and I have never had such an experience in my life. 

Nobody has ever attacked me or threatened my life.” Judge Roger Thomas QC said the offence was aggravated by racial abuse and in the most serious category of its kind. 

 Jailing Carter for the May 2 incident, he said: “The fact you were there in the middle of the day, with a camouflage backpack with a machete in it, gives some insight into the curious kind of thinking and lifestyle you have.”

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