In “Ten demons seducing America’’, an American scholar and preacher, James Murk, identifies the epidemic of falsehood, lies, deceit and fraud; the new concept of freedom (doing as you please instead of doing as you ought); thrashing the original meaning of the constitution in order to accommodate atheist and leftist philosophy (the insufferable intolerance of American universities, factories of leftist thought, citadels of paganism, temples to atheism); removing God and the moral imperative from America’s public schools; s*xual immorality and divorce, unrestricted abortion or virtual infanticide; homos*xuality (the advancing of the gay agenda); hedonism (the quest for pleasure in the realm of the physical) and big amoral government as the maladies gradually eroding the original American personality, culture and ethos. In my view, however, Murk’s ten demons can in fact be subsumed into one factor: the open rebellion against God, what Paul the apostle calls the “ falling away,’’ which would precede the man of sin. Human civilisation/government is in its dying days.
How many really realise this? This writer’s initial understanding of ‘ big government’ was first brightened by the late American apostle, Raymond Jackson, in his Contender magazine, but Murk provides further details of the socialist/pagan underpinning of the practice.
Big government represents the official recognition of endless destructive cabals as part of the US government. Thus, criminal gangs that would in former decades have been hunted down by the state apparatus are now legitimate parts of the American government, feeding fat on taxpayers’ sweat and helping to facilitate the gradual decay of the American society.
Big government thrives in a climate of deceptive and destructive multiculturalism, hedonism, s*xual licentiousness, atheism and illiteracy, leading to the huge and unprecedented decay in, most important, America’s educational systems. Examples from the course catalogue (1994-95) of the venerable Brown University in Rhode Island, as outlined by Murk, include the following:
(1) Topics in Human S*xuality; (2) Introduction to Lesbian and Gay Studies; (3) Black Nationalism, Black Power, and Black Militarism in the 1960’s; (4) The Big Picture: Contemporary Hollywood and Social Crisis; (5) Producing Asian American S*xuality; (6) Histories of Early Modern Body: Scientia S*xualis/Ars Erotica; (7) Development of American Feminist Theories; (8) Daughters of Darkness: Lesbian Tropes; (9) Rogues, Vagabonds, and Sturdy Beggars; (10) Unnatural Acts and Split Britches; (11) The Early Modern S*xed Subject; (12) Queer Theory; (13) S*xual and Racial Politics of African American Women Novelists; (14) Gays and Lesbians in Twentieth Century Germany; (15) Pornography and Culture; (16) Circumcision: Male and Female, Jewish and Gentile; (17) Feminism and Poststructuralism; (18) Disney: Uncle Walt and the FBI; (19) Feminist Philosophy; (20) Readings in Feminist Theory; (21) Christianity, Violence, and Victimization’’.
What value would these courses add to the mind? Notice that the foundation of the wealth that the big government people feed fat upon, as argued brilliantly by the philosopher Max Weber in his book, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, was laid by the early Puritans who renounced materialism and sought to glorify God, stressing the development of virtues such as thrift, honesty, diligence, responsibility and dependability, which actually promoted the accumulation of wealth.
Conversely, in December, 2011, the US government okayed the phenomenon of its soldiers having s*x with horses, thus returning society to the very genesis of the HIV/AIDS disaster. The US Senate voted 93-7 to approve a defence authorisation bill that includes a provision which not only repeals the military law on sodomy, but also repeals the military ban on s*x with animals.
Earlier, on November 15, the Senate Armed Services Committee had unanimously approved the National Defense Authorisation Act, which includes a provision to repeal Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), which makes it illegal to engage in sodomy or s*x with animals. Family Research Council President, Tony Perkins, said the removal of sodomy from military law stemmed from liberal Senate Democrats’ and President Barack Obama’s support for removing the military’s don’t -ask -don’t -tell policy.
“It’s all about using the military to advance this administration’s radical social agenda,” Perkins told CNS Perkins and his heroes are a disgrace. Indeed, a hard look at previous civilisations, whether the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Greek or Roman empires, proves clearly that the dying days of any empire is signalled by s*xual perversion and paganism. As the Bristol, Virginia-based scholar, Lewis Loflin, observes : “Despite all of their learning, science, and philosophy, Greece and Rome did not achieve a higher moral standard.
Both were brutal slave states. S*xual perversion, including incest and paedophilia, was wide spread. Unwanted children and infants were left to die in the countryside to be eaten by dogs or starve to death.’’ Loflin posits further that “The West today seems to be going through a similar cycle.
New Age religion, the occult, and other pseudo-religious systems, along with the usual Eastern religions, have gained ground, while Christian conservatives and Secular Humanists battle it out for control. The delicate balance of classical humanism (also known as Hellenism) and Judeo-Christian thought, the basis of civilised society in the West, is under assault. Christianity and Classical Humanism must balance or we are threatened by the very irrational forces that plunged the West into the Dark Ages.’’
In Britain, a pioneering scheme which allowed over-16s to access the pill from five pharmacies without a GP note found it had successfully reached teens who had never taken contraception before, with 46 per cent of users being first-timers. And so, commissioners are considering widening it to girls aged just 13, meaning that these young girls would be able to walk into their local pharmacist and get contraceptive tablets over the counter. The authors of the controversial scheme say that they wish to tackle soaring underage pregnancy rates, adding that the new scheme would enable young girls to go on the pill without informing their parents.
The NHS South East London report, following the scheme, urged: "Consider expanding this service to appropriate pharmacies in Lambeth and Southwark, across London and nationally, to shift activity out of GP practices.Consider providing the service to women under 16 years where appropriate - this may help contribute to a reduction in teenage pregnancies.’’In the West, you are permitted to have children but not to train them.
In Nigeria, one notices the same slackening of morals, the push for the easy life which has reduced the USA from world giant to dying dwarf, as brilliant essays get written on the rights of homos*xuals, pension-stealers and all kinds of perverts. In popular culture (music, TV series, newspapers, etc), s*xual perversion has become the definitive anthem, with the newspapers reducing week-end publications to s*xual relaxation.
Even in sports, which should naturally engage the human mind and body in positive sweat, n*de pictures of British soccer stars and their girlfriends have taken over the available space, with news of the nationally more important local league tucked in embarrassingly crippled spaces. But there is a land that is fairer than day, which by faith we can see so near. God, the Creator, will have the last laugh.