The British mother on trial in Spain for murdering her two children appeared furious yesterday as DNA tests presented to the court revealed the identity of their father is a mystery.
Lianne Smith claimed the tests must be 'mistaken' after they showed that her partner, TV hypnotist Martin Smith, was not the father of either child.

Their mother, 45, insisted the tests must be wrong.
The court was not told whether Rebecca and Daniel shared the same father. However, they were born in different countries.
Martin Smith, who was found d*ad in his cell in January
Smith gave birth to Daniel while on the run in Spain with the fugitive paedophile, who had fled child s*x charges in Britain.
Her daughter Rebecca had been born in the UK while she was living with Mr Smith.
Today forensic psychiatrist Itziar Idiaquez Alberdi told the court: ‘(Lianne Smith) believed the children would be taken away from her (by social services) and institutionalised. For her, this was worse than d*ath.
‘She had spoken about this with her partner and they had talked about taking their own lives if they were ever separated.
‘They made a plan, they made a pact.’
Asked by the prosecutor if Smith could distinguish between good and evil when she k*lled the children, the psychiatrist replied: ‘She was convinced that it was the best thing she could do.
‘She k*lled them out of love. She loved the children.’
Prison psychiatrist Harry Barker said Smith viewed the deaths of her two children as ‘an unavoidable catastrophe’.
She suffered from a psychosis that made her lose contact with reality, he told the court.
Smith had asked her five-year-old daughter Rebecca if she would prefer to live ‘a few very happy days with her mother or a long time without her mother’, he told the court.
The girl had apparently answered she wanted to stay with her mother, the psychiatrist said.
After k*lling the children, Smith cut her wrists and neck and attempted to hang herself.
But forensic doctor Elisabet Vazquez Martinez told the jury Smith´s injuries were ‘very superficial’ and she had not made a serious attempt to k*ll herself.
Earlier in the trial, Girona Provincial Court, in northeast Spain, heard evidence from Smith's estranged mother, who claimed her daughter had been happy before she fell under the spell of her 'controlling' partner.