A loyal reader send this interesting love tragedy to todaysgists asking for our opinion:
All through their relationship, the guy kept insulting her; he beats her up publicly and sleeps with her by force when she's not in the mood. He also slept with her friends and send her nude pictures in his phone to some of his friends in campus.
But this girl would forgive and accept him back as soon as he "returns to his senses". Her friends persuaded her and tried to discourage her, but she kept putting up with him and even helped him excel in his class works and exams.
On the final day of graduation, the guy and the girl were to graduate with good grades, a day filled with joy for both lovers.
He sent her a text and told her ''the relationship is over.'' How cruel some guys can be!
While waiting for his award at the convocation ceremony. The VC made an announcement that the guy's papers were not found and that from the records he didn't do proper registration during the admission process about 5 years ago.
If he wants to graduate, he has to start all over again after wasting 5 years in the institution. The guy wept bitterly. However, the girl was the brain behind the missing papers and documents.
The girl walked up to him and told him ''you are finished. How heartless some girls can be!
The question todaysgists is asking is: who is more heartless - THE GUY or THE GIRL?