Despite celebrating its independence a year ago, the country of South Sudan is still locked in conflict with its neighbor to the north, Sudan.
The main point of contention is oil. South Sudan has the oil fields, but the oil must be shipped from Sudan.
The United Nations Security Council has ordered the two countries to end their hostilities and resolve outstanding issues. The deadline is August 2, but after decades of conflict, and more than two million deaths, they have still not reached an agreement.
Christiane Amanpour spoke with Sudan’s Ambassador to the U.K., Abdullahi Alazreg Monday. He maintains that his government is having constructive talks with South Sudan.
Amanpour asked Alazreg whether Sudan will hand over the country’s president, Omar al-Bashir, who has been indicted by the International Criminal Court. Alazreg responded by saying that Sudan is “willing to hand over whomever, provided that America hands over Bush and the United Kingdom hands over Blair.”