WHAT Is It With The Bad Habit Of Nigerian Girls Asking Men For Money

This is one mentality a lot of you girls have to change. One, asking a guy for money is wrong, if you need money for upkeep ask your parents or better still work for it, don't use relationship as an excuse to ask your guy for money Yes, they may be a few stingy guys when it comes to spoiling their girls, it doesn't mean that we don't care.

 If you can ask for money, it doesn't differentiate you from a prostitute But wait, is he paying you for being his girlfriend? 

If you do ask for money with pride it only shows how cheap you are In my opinion a guy should treat her, buy her gift and spoil her if he can,not as some of you think, that you can wake up one morning and ask him for money to do your hair, buy clothes etc.. 

You what are you doing? are you not working? are you not earning money? or have your parents forgotten their responsibilitie s?

 Be wise and learn to be self sufficient, when you are married to him, you can ask all you want if He refuses to provide for you, you can fight him all you want, for now, you simply do not have that right..

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