SAD: Trailer Driver Kills 5 School Children This Morning,Angry Youth Blocks Ajah Road in Lagos

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Report reaching us this morning reveals that Ajah road, close to the popular Ajah market has been blocked. This is as a result of the fatal accident that took place there this morning when a trailer went off road and killed 5 primary school pupils going to school. The youths are very angry with the unfortunate incidents and are using this avenue to seek audience with the Governor of Lagos state, Fashola because according to them, the accidents happened because of the lack of pedestrain bride in the area. The police are trying to calm the situation but the number of angry youths seem to be increasing by the seconds.

The reports revealed that he tanker driver abandoned his truck and escaped hence he just saved himself from been lynched to death by the angry youths but we know he will surely be picked up by the police....Stay with us for more details later.
Photo courtesy of Lindaikeji

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