Ask Women: Are Funny Men Intimidating to Date?

I love dating funny Men. Being with someone who makes me want to be funnier and pushes me to be funnier is hot to me. It becomes a back and forth, a game, trying to out-funny each other. Plus, it's hot when a girl can laugh at herself or you--I like men who are really funny. 

Well it depends on how he's funny. There's biting funny, which can be imposing whether it's a guy or a woman. But I like when someone I'm dating is funny.

I wouldn't say funny men are intimidating, I think it's a huge-turn on, but if they are (a) way funnier than you or (b) being funny by way of making fun of you, it can be somewhat disconcerting. Granted, I think my boyfriend is the only guy I've dated who I would say is really funny, and the fact that he is more clever than I am most of the time, that just makes him charming. I should also say I guess someone who is smart funny could be intimidating, but someone who makes just fart jokes? Not as much.

My boyfriend is funnier than me, and it's the best thing in the world. I wouldn't date a guy who wasn't funny--but yeah, it can be a little bit intimidating. I think it's because guys feel like being funny is a tool they can use when picking up / meeting / dating a girl to impress her, or get her to like him, and it's a little intimidating when the person on the other side of the line has your secret weapon too.

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