Nigeria's renowned thief-catcher, Ali Kwara, has arrested a former army officer that is notorious for selling arms and ammunition to militants who carry out attacks in Plateau State and other parts of the North.
Ali Kwara told newsmen through telephone in Kano on Sunday he arrested the suspect (name withheld) in Zamfara State, where he (Kwara) is on an official mission to help check banditry.
He said some of the buyers of the weapons were also arrested, adding that a Deputy Superintendent of Police was also arrested with 1,000 ammunition.
Ali Kwara alleged that the ex-soldier had been supplying arms to Fulani herdsmen.
He said seven other security operatives, which included an immigration officer, were arrested as a result of that operations, adding that among those arrested was a son to an ex-minister from Anambra State.
The hunter (Thief-Catcher), who was appointed honorary adviser on security by the Inspector-General of Police about four years ago, claimed that the ex-army officer got his supplies from security agents.
Ali Kwara named the areas where these weapons were used as Zamfara State as well as other troubled areas such as Plateau and as far as the Niger Delta states.
According to him, information reached him about the operations of the officer who was in possessions of deadly weapons. He said in collaboration with the authorities the ex-soldier was arrested in possession with over 3,000 ammunition.
Ali Kwara also revealed that a police orderly attached to a legislator was arrested for taking delivery of the illegal arms sent to the area.