We’ve Been Together 12 Years, & He’s Been With Another Woman For 3 Years & Has A Child

Dear Todaysgist Family,

 I have been in a relationship with a man for over 12 years. I love him dearly and know that he loves me. My every want and desire he gives me. I have always suspected that he was cheating and I would have reoccurring dreams about this. 

He has recently told me that he has been in a relationship with a woman for three years and has an 18 month old child with her. I was obviously devastated with this news. He said that he does not love her and there is nothing else between them, other than the fact that they have a child together.

 He stated his desire for us to move forward past this and said that he is working on being a better man. But, I still feel a lot of hurt and anger, and the trust is no longer there. We live in different states, which definitely make it easy for him to lie and cheat.

 However, we commute frequently to see each other, and he said he will move to where I am. But, like I said there is a lot of hurt and anger that I am feeling. I love him and still want to be with him, and on the other hand I just do not know what to do.

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