In The First Republic We Had Leaders Not Rulers

In the first republic, we had leaders not rulers. They were not looters, they were leaders. They were leaders with fear of God.They were leaders who did not lie, they were not liars. They were leaders who accepted in public as they accepted in secret.

 They were leaders not rulers, they were leaders not looters. They were leaders. They were not corrupt. They were leaders who did not steal, and they were not willing to steal.

 They were leaders who had concern on a common man, leaders who had vision. They were looking forward. They were thinking for what was good for their peoples. 

They were leaders who had fire on their stomach, but humanity in their heart, humanity in their hands. They were prepared at all times to handover to others, if they discovered there were problems with their nations. They were not leaders who wanted to remain in office until death. 

These founders were belonged to political parties, but despite their interests politically religiously and tribally, they accommodated and respected one another. They were ready to place national interest obove their personal interests. They were the leaders who saved the nation. 

They are not waiting to be served by the nation. These were the leaders who laid the foundation of Nigeria. They had dream that Nigeria was a great nation. They had a dream that Nigerians would be brothers’ keepers. Today it is no more

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