The horror of Meth: Before-and-after pictures reveal shocking transformation in faces of users hooked on deadly drug(SHOCKING PHOTOS)

A new anti-drug advertisement shows the devastating physical transformation addicts experience after years of meth use. The photos, that show a shocking Dorian Gray-like deterioration, were compiled from mug shots of drug users that were arrested repeatedly over the years. 

 The continued drug use caused horrific damage to the drug users' skin with sores and scarring - that can be caused by uncontrollable scratching during a hallucination when the addict imagines bugs are crawling under their skin. 

 Additional changes seen in the ad, produced by, include the so-called 'meth mouth' caused by decay and grinding. Users also progressively began to look gaunt, brought on by malnutrition as the drug suppresses a person's appetite and the body can begin to consume muscle tissue due to the lack of proper nutrition. 

 The concept for this kind of ad was actually conceived in 2004, by Deputy Bret King from the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office in Oregon. The officer began tracking mugshots of people who were brought in to police custody more than once.

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