Hollywood Icon, Richard Gere Mistaken as a Homeless man And Given Left Over Pizza While On set

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It sure pays to be kind.  42 year-old French tourist Karine Gombeau,has found her self famous after she stopped by to give her pizza to who she thought was a homeless man.Unknown to her, that homeless man was legendary actor, Richard Gere who was playing the part of a homeless man and was just in character for his latest film ‘Time Out of Mind’.

The tourist saw Gere standing outside of Grand Central Station at approximately 5:45pm on Tuesday. According to her, after exiting a pizzeria in Little Italy, she saw him digging through a trash bin and drinking a beer from a brown paper bag.Touched by the sorry sight,she offered him leftovers from an “enormous” pizza that she, her husband and 15-year-old son had ordered .She told the NY Post
What’s in the bag?” Gere, 64, asked.I tried to tell him in English, but it came out half in French.I said, ‘Je suis désolée [I am sorry], but the pizza is cold.He said, ‘Thank you so much. God bless you,’”
She was shocked to see herself in a newspaper two days later that the man she extended her generosity to was 64 year old Gere , reportedly worth $100 million.
“It was magical . . . It’s crazy, this story. It’s unimaginable that something like this could happen.I think he’s very handsome, even at his age,” she added. “ ‘Pretty Woman’ was not my favorite movie, but I really loved ‘Chicago.
Now you can see how these makeup guys can make a $100M handsome man look like a homeless beggar. I hope Nollywood is watching. 
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