The world is wearing out everyday with make-believe inclinations.
One aspect of these tendencies that is fast affected is character.
Many people have bought for themselves weakness of personality.
They forgot that without character the world is useless.
In Niger-area, for example, we have majority of the people with character of religion, and not character of God.
You don’t blame them, because the country motivates the sentiment of religion and Niger-aeries are seeing it.
We judge each other by the glamour of their religion and wealth, and not by the glowing attributes of their character.
Education or school which was supposed to shape people’s character takes the centre stage leaving the people not to think critically.
Many people don’t think extensively.
There are many men and women of distinguished status without character; bunches of them are in the House of Assemble-bellies.
We are judged by the quality of our certificates and not by the content of our character.
Those in power cause great adversity to the powerful masses they have made powerless through deceitful dispositions.
They have taken away our independence so that we will depend on them.
They have made us to lose our ornament and our purity.
They have made us to see ourselves as worthless people and exhibit contrary characters.
They think that their position will give them character, but not even power it has given to them, but bad name and bad behavior.