Boko Haram Asks Pres. Jonathan To Embrace Islam(NEW VIDEO )

Boko Haram has become Nigeria's biggest headache of the moment Boko Haram asks President Goodluck Jonathan to resign and says it will not dialogue with the Federal Government. 

 The Jamaatu Ahlis Sunnah Lil Daawati wal Jihad, popular called Boko Haram, says it is not negotiating with any government representative and has no plans to do so. The group, in a half-hour video made in Hausa and posted on YouTube, called on President Goodluck Jonathan to resign, and also accept Islam. 

 The video appeared more of a tirade of abuse with the group offering no logical explanation or reason for its demands and positions. In the video, which was made by the group’s leader, Abubakar Shekau, in the form of an Islamic lecture, the group claimed that it doesn't kill “women and children,” but those “who have offended us, arrested our people and killed them.” 

 The group also claimed that some people were committing evil acts in its name and that it would go after such people. The group also rejected any plans by the Federal Government to legislate on the number of children Nigerians can have, describing such proposal as “blasphemy.” 

 The Federal Government has made dialogue with the Boko Haram sect a major way of curtailing the group’s insurgency in Northern Nigeria. Ahmed Dasuki, the National Security Adviser, had pledged to seek ceasefire with the group before the commencement of the Islamic month of Ramadan which entered its 16th day Saturday. 

 Despite Mr. Dasuki’s efforts however, the group became more daring in its violence during the period; attacking police formations and the Vice Presidents’ residence. Two Northern Emirs, in Borno and Yobe State, also escaped death in separate suicide bombings linked to the sect, which has caused the deaths of several people in the north of Nigeria..

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