This guy stole N25M diamond ring and exchanged it for $20 weed

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Ignorance is really a disease. The guy above identified as Walter Earl Morrison stole a parcel containing a diamond ring and upon realizing there was no money inside went to a weed joint and exchanged the ring for a $20 bag of weed.I can imagine his shock when he finds out the ring is worth a whooping  $150,000.
According to prosecutors (the case is currently in court), Walter had been working for UPS at the Sky Harbor Airport in Arizona when he allegedly swiped a package and hid it under his shirt while loading cargo onto a plane.
Prosecutors said he thought the parcel contained cash but instead found a diamond ring. Of course he didn't know the value of the ring, so he took it a marijuana dealer and bought himself $20 worth of wee in exchange for the ring. The stolen item was traced back to him and he eventually confessed. He was immediately sacked by UPS and arrested for theft.
Fortunately he was able to tell UPS and police who he sold the Diamond ring to. The ring was recovered and delivered to the intended customer while Walter is facing theft charge.

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