I Think My New Boyfriend Drugged and R*ped Me In The Night


This story was sent to us via our email by a reader,  she asked us to share in a bid to solicit for help.

 she met a guy, they became friends. Two  weeks later she decided  to go spend  a night in his house. See what transpired.

"I'm so worried about this. I spent a night at a guy's house and the following morning I felt really funny all over, especially in my private area like someone who has been p*netr*ted.

"He's someone I met two weeks ago and was planning to date but told him I wasn't ready for s*x yet.

 I've been having this uneasy feeling since the morning I left his house that he took advantage of me during the night without my knowledge.

"I keep having these images in my head. I know he gave me a lot of alcohol the previous night and he told me later he carried me to bed, though I woke up in the same clothes.

 I asked him if anything happened between us that night and he said no, but I'm still not convinced."
 I cant stop thinking about that night, what if he lied to me? what if he did it without any protection? what should i do?

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  1. what if he is hiv positive?

  2. Go for check up my friend,you must be more than 18 years.if you are bold enough to go a man's house to spend the night,you should expect anything,after all were u a virgin,and even if u were,why will u take such a risk?.

  3. Haba! Na wa O! Na so your own worst reach? So you slept off to the extent that you aren't sure if your panties were pulled out or sagged down or something and were fucked?Bull shit!!!

  4. You should go to your doctor right away and have yourself checked up. If he has sex with you the result will show. Then it will be up to you what action to take. Good luck to you.

  5. If it is true u consciously left ur house to sleep with a man u met just 2wks ago,u must either be daft and / or too wayward.Just visit ur doctor to check if u are free from STI including HIV.
