Be warned!!! Female Banker Spreading HIV In Town

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According to news from a reliable blogger, a doctor sent her a mail to warn people (guys) of a female banker who is in her 30's. According to the doctor, she is deadly and she is knowingly spreading this virus while having unprotected sex with young and be warned.
There is a female banker that is going round spreading the virus like butter on bread and what you are about to read was whistled by the Doctor treating the persons she has infected.Please read and decode who the banker is if you can.This week alone I have handled like 4 cases of people who were infected by a certain banker lady. These boys are friends and they thought they were passing the lady around not knowing she was infecting them with HIV. They say she is pretty and they have been having unprotected sex with her since October. She gives them money and loves rough sex during her period. 3 have tested positive and 1 is inconclusive. There are people knowingly infecting others. These boys are under 23 and the banker lady is in mid 30s...''

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  1. My name is Precious, I am from New York City. I was suffering from HIV disease for over 8 years, I was hopeless until one of my friend directed me to a man called Ehiaghe, she said he cures the sickness and also said he has also helped her friend, I never believed her but after alot of talk, I decided to give him a try, just few days ago I contacted him and he told me what to do which I did and he cast a spell for me and told me to go for a test which I also did and when the result came out I was surprised to see that I am negative. I am proud to tell you that I am the most happiest person on earth. big thanks to Ehiaghe grate spell...... If you have any problem and you need help, You can contact him with his email I pray you find solution in him just as I did.
