How To Make Him Love You FOREVER

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 Very many Woman today, believe men should be doing all the caring and showing of love, but men too have needs,when you show them these little care they really appreciate it.

 Women today have trouble doing the duties of satisfying a man.

 Women believe if they look cute and put on a good pair of pumps that a man will drop to their knees and beg them to marry him.

 There are the basic things that will make your man happy, like cleaning, cooking, looking nice, but there are secrets to really keeping him happy.

 They are as follows.....

1.) Show to him you truly and really care for him,Always ask questions!!! How was your day?, What can I get for you?, What was the score from your game? Most men love watching games especially football so, ask him about his favourite game whenever u know his game is on. A lot of men like to hear themselves talk, and It is great to have the person they love to listen. Now don't talk too much, sometimes they just want to watch the game. 

Trust me when they want you, they will let you know, give you that look and then you go in swift and fast and grab their attention.

 2.) As soon as they get off of work ,spice it up. Can you imagine having another boring long day and open the door and "surprise!", so exciting, you are there dressed up in a kinky outfit. And no dishes that night because both of you will be full from dessert. Being youthful and fun will always make your man smile and be happy.

 This is applicable to the married ones. 

3.) Have a drink together at a bar or anywhere to cool off. Sometimes we forget how to let go of everyday life and just be happy.

 Drinking will help to relax the both of you. Plus you can tell each other I love you a hundred times while eating small chops with the drink. What could be better? 

 4.) Play indoor games together. There are different types of games u can play such as chess, scrabble ,ludo, video cursor games, if he prefers them and Watch movies together. 

 5.) Say nice things to his ear ,Touch him. Holds his hand unexpectedly or hug him from love that too. 

6.) Women should have opinions debating is important. A man that loves you will love your opinions and he will giggle inside at your crazy ideas for the universe.

 Do not ever say " whatever it is, you like". The king wants a queen and a queen is not quiet. speak your mind and he will smile,maybe not at the time, but sooner or later. Tell him jokes and secrets. 

 7.) Men love freedom, let them have it,no the right time to talk to him about it,Let him hang with the friends.

 Do not be overly jealous. You fell in love with him because he was unique and had a great life. You are part of it now but do not take away his original life. If you want him to stay happy you will encourage his freedom.

 Now don't be a pushover, set your ground rules and joke with him about it. 

 8.) Let him know how lucky you are to have him,tell him nice and lovely things,Tell him he is looking handsome. He is smelling nice and make him feel he can be around you all day long. 

 9.)Ladies have this mentality that is only the guys that are suppose to buy them gift and nice thing!while not try and turn the table around and see his reaction?you we be glad you did.

 I know you we Say" isn't he suppose to buy me gifts?" Well yes ladies but if you want him to be happy and you’re not greedy then go to the store and buy him a gift.

 It is so nice when a man gets his gift and he smiles. Whatever you do, do not buy things for yourself at the same time you purchased his.

 Make it a surprising one. 

10. Dont forget to always have that smilling face, No man wants a miserable boring girl. Smiling is contagious, positive attitude is needed to make your man content. Love him and show him you love him. Effort goes a long way, and it may seem like a lot of work but if you do these things then in return he will give effort and make you happy.

 In conclusion, tell him the three letter words I LOVE YOU looking straight into his eye balls with a smile.

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1 comment:

  1. You want him to get to know the real you because it is the real you he's going to have. Make sure that you and your partner have a similar view of the relationship. Experience with you and sees you as a person he wants to be capture his heart and make him love you forever . Thanks
